Speaker Profile

Dr Catherine Zollman


GP, medical lead of Penny Brohn UK cancer charity, clinical lead for Personalised Care and Support, SWAG NHS Cancer Alliance and fellow in Integrative Medicine from the University of Arizona

Dr. Catherine Zollman is Medical Lead at Penny Brohn UK, a charity specialising in providing Integrative Support and Self-Management Education for people affected by cancer. Trained to registrar level in Medical Oncology before qualifying as a GP in 1995. Completed a Fellowship in Integrative Medicine at University of Arizona in 2010. In addition to role at Penny Brohn UK, works part-time as an NHS GP and is an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at University of Bristol. Was a GP Clinical Cancer Lead for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG for 5 years.

From 1996-1999 Dr Zollman was Medical Director of the Research Council for Complementary Medicine and co-authored a series of articles entitled “An ABC of Complementary Medicine” in the British Medical Journal, also available as a book published by Wiley.

For many years Dr Zollman was a Trustee of the British Holistic Medical Association. She is a Council Member of the College of Medicine and is on the Steering Committee of the British Society of Integrative Oncology. She has a longstanding interest in medical education and in promoting and disseminating good quality research into integrative medical approaches.

Dr Zollman believes that all medical encounters are an opportunity to help people learn how to how build their own resilience as a key part of managing their symptoms and improving their health. In 2016 she was shortlisted for Outstanding Achievement in the Bristol Post Heath and Care Awards.

Dr Catherine Zollman is speaking at 9:00, 09:05, 16:00 and 16:30.
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